Guide to Setup Company

Why choose Singapore

Singapore is an ideal location for global businesses to site their headquarters. Strong trade and investment makes Singapore the most competitive Asian country and the world’s easiest place to do business.

By situating your international HQ here, your company benefits from:

  • Singapore’s network of over 50 comprehensive Double Taxation Avoidance Agreements.
  • Singapore’s many free trade agreements and the Investment Guarantee Agreements.
  • Protection for your ideas and innovations thanks to Singapore’s strict enforcement of its strong intellectual property laws.
  • Registering your business

You can easily register your business, including foreign branch offices, online at Bizfile by the Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority.

Foreign businesses that wish to set up a representative office in Singapore may approach these government agencies:

  • Banking, finance and insurance – Monetary Authority of Singapore.
  • Legal – Legal Services Regulatory Authority.
  • All other industries – Enterprise Singapore

Finding premises

Singapore provides a wide choice of premises for businesses. Whether situated in the heart of the civic district or in a suburban estate, housed in modern luxury or a flatted factory, businesses are assured of premium facilities and infrastructure. 

View the list of business parks and specialised industrial parks by the Economic Development Board.

Recruiting manpower

Singapore attracts businesses with its strong pool of local and international talent. Employees are easy to find through the many online recruitment portals and head-hunting agencies. You can find out more about our labour market, as well as information on hiring and training at You may also want to explore training programmes the EDB offers in partnership with many corporations.